10 Oct 2023

Copy Between Azure File Share and Azure Blob Container with PowerShell


We recently had a requirement to provide a secure SFTP file area for one of our partners to transfer files. These files need to be copied between the SFTP area and an internal only file share for our internal systems to access.

We needed to find a secure way of providing the SFTP service with minimum exposure and risk to the organisation and with minimum configuration and upkeep of the solution. The solution should also be cloud first where possible to fit in with our IT strategy.

My solution to this problem was to use an Azure Functional App running PowerShell for the file copy, an Azure Blob Container to provide a managed SFTP service that has a minimal configuration overhead, and an Azure File Share configured to only allow our internal systems access.


Our current policy is to setup a new Azure subscription to seperate out solutions and keep billing and access easy to manage, so this was first created.

Resource Group

After the subscription was created, the next task was to create an Azure Resource Group which would hold all artifacts related to this process. I also created three storage accounts, one for the Azure Blob Container running the SFTP service, one for the Azure File Services, and the final one for the Azure Functional App.

Virtual Networks

In order to allow the Azure Functional App to access to the two storage accounts, a virtual network was created that would be used in the firewall configuration on each storage account. As we wanted to only allow the Azure File share to be accessed from our internal network, an additional virtual network was created so that we could use a Private Endpoint for use via our expressroute connection to Azure.

Azure Blob Storage Account

The Azure Blob Container needs Hierarchical Namespace enabling, which then gives you the ability to enable the SFTP services. 

On the Blob Storage Account under "Data storage > Containers" we created a new container with two sub-folders, "ToSUPPLIER" and "ToSYSTEM". A
 local SFTP user that the partner would use was also created under "Settings > SFTP". The local user account was configured to use an SSH Key pair, and the account was configured with "All permissions" on the new container.

To secure the SFTP service that would be available on the Internet, under "Security + networking > Networking", the "Public network access" section was modified to restrict access from selected virtual networks and IP addresses.

The external IP address that our partner would be accessing the SFTP service from was added to the Firewall section to allow them restricted access and the virtual network that our Azure Functional App would be using was added to the Virtual networks section.

Azure File Service Storage Account

On the Azure Files Storage account, a new share was created under "Data storage > File shares" and two sub-folders created, "ToSUPPLIER" and "ToSYSTEM". Three Active Directory groups were created, "SystemAFSContributor", "SystemAFSElevated", and "SystemAFSRead". These groups were given the role assignment of "Storage File Data SMB Share Contributor" for the SystemAFSContributor group, "Storage File Data SMB Share Elevated Contributor" for the SystemAFSElevated group, and "Storage File Data SMB Share Reader" for the SystemAFSRead group. I also configured the NTFS permissions for Full Control, Modify and Read to the relevant groups.

To ensure that the Azure File Share is only accessible from our internal network and the virtual network for the Azure Function App, under "Security + networking > Networking", the "Public network access" section was modified to restrict access from selected virtual networks and IP addresses, but this time only the Virtual network section was modified to include the virtual network of the functional app. 

We then created a Private endpoint connection using the second virtual network, this virtual network would be acessible from our internal network. To ensure that our internal clients would only try and connect via our expressroute link to Azure, we created a DNS zone for the FQDN of the Private endpoint, giving it the IP address we had assigned. When a Private ednpoint is created, it normally is given the FQDN of <StorageAccountName>.file.core.windows.net which is resolvable as an Internet facing IP address for Azure. In my case I don't want this to happen as i'm not allowing connections from the Internet to the Azure File Share, I only want the traffic to come via our internal network and our expressroute connection.

Azure Function App Storage Account

My Azure Function App would need a storage account, and again the default setting for a storage account's firewall is "Enabled from all networks". From a security standpoint, this is not what I required, so I again changed the setting to "Enabled from selected virtual networks and IP addresses", then added the virtual network for the Function App.

Azure Function App

When creating a Function App you can choose the Runtime stack that you will use, which in my case is PowerShell Core. You also need to specify the Hosting plan that your app will use from three possible options, Consumption (Serverless), Functions Premium, and App service plan. You can find out more information as to what each of these options offers here. In my use case I needed the ability to use Virtual networks, so had to choose the Premium plan.

Once my Function App was deployed, I needed to modify a few settings. The first is under "Settings > Identity", I enabled "System assigned" identity and assigned it the role of "Storage Account Contributor" at the resource group level. By giving the Function App this role, it was granted the required permission I needed for being able to copy files and blobs between the storage accounts. The next setting I changed is under "Settings > Configuration > General settings", here I changed the Platform to 64 Bit. The last setting that I changed was under "Settings > Networking", here I enabled VNet integration and selected the virtual network I had created for the Function App. 

The final setting that I changed was under "Function > App files", here I selected the requirements.psd1 file and uncommented line seven so that the Azure PowerShell modules would be loaded for use.

Now it was time to setup my Function, this is done under "Overview". You can have your function trigger based on several different methods and can find out more about those options here. In my use case, I selected the Timer trigger. This will trigger the script to run using the NCronTab format, which you can find out about here. I configured my timer to trigger every hour between 07:00 and 19:00 with the following setting - "0 0 7-19 * * *". 

Once the new function was created as a trigger I just needed to copy the PowerShell code that I had already created under "Developer > Code + Test" and save it.

PowerShell Script

The PowerShell script that I have written can be obtained from my Github repository. It has fourteen variables that need to be configured before use, examples of which can be seen below.

$AzureSubscriptionName = "mysubscription-001"
$resourceGroup = "rg-myapp-ukwest-001"
$storageAccountBlobName = "sablobftp"
$storageAccountFileName = "safileaccount"
$storageContainerName = "my-container"
$storageFileShareName = "my-file-share"
$srcExportFolder = "ToSUPPLIER"
$srcExportFile = "SupplierExport.csv"
$dstExportFolder = "ToSUPPLIER"
$dstExportFile = "SupplierExport.csv"
$srcImportFolder = "ToSYSTEM"
$srcImportFile = "SYSTEMImport.csv"
$dstImportFolder = "ToSYSTEM"
$dstImportFile = "SYSTEMImport.csv"

When the script runs, it first looks in each of the sub-folders and tries to get the last modified date of the files "SupplierExport.csv" and "SYSTEMImport.csv". 

For the SFTP area, the "ToSYSTEM" sub-folder is the source folder that the partner would upload a file to. If this file date is newer than the one in the "ToSYSTEM" folder under the File Share, then it is replaced.

For the File Share area, the "ToSUPPLIER" sub-folder is the source folder that our internal systems would upload a file to. If this file date is newer than the one in the "ToSUPPLIER" folder under the SFTP Container area, then it is replaced so that the partner can pick up an export from us.

When running the script either for testing or as part of the schedule, you will want to enable Application Insights to get logging information when it runs.

Hopefully this will help others wanting to setup something similar in Azure.


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